Department of Health

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In May 2013, the Department of Health (DOH) and Zuellig Family Foundation (ZFF) entered into an unprecedented three-year public-private partnership agreement. The “Health Leadership and Governance Program” (HLGP) uses the ZFF Health Change Model to fix local health systems and help the country achieve its national health targets.

The National Anti-Poverty Commission has identified 609 areas for inclusion. Local chief executives and health officers in these areas undergo ZFF’s leadership formation programs and receive technical and resource support from the DOH. With this partnership, ZFF serves as a bridge linking the national and regional levels of the DOH with the provincial and municipal government units. ZFF and the DOH maintain separate budgets and funds: the DOH pays for training, participants’ expenses and academic fees while ZFF covers facilitating expenses.

Once ZFF’s approach is institutionalized in the DOH, a sustained flow of technical, financial and logistical support for health system reforms from the DOH to the local governments is expected.

In 2016, the initiative was given an extended run until November 2017.

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