Our Approach
Our Approach: Health Change Model
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Our Approach
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The ZFF Health Change Model recognizes that local leadership is the key to creating healthcare systems that are responsive to the needs of the poor.
Based on this approach, local leaders—particularly the mayors and the municipal health officers—undergo a transformative training to help them appreciate the significance of their role in developing healthcare systems for the poor. This enables them to understand and to address the complexity of health issues in their communities.
The Health Change Model has three main components: training, practicum, and coaching.
The Foundation uses the “Bridging Leadership” Framework in its multi-modular training program. This concept promotes greater personal accountability for social issues among local health leaders and harmonious collaboration with different stakeholders to overcome the challenges. The framework has three processes: ownership, co-ownership, and co-creation. (Click here for more on bridging leadership.)
Training participants are given a “roadmap” to help them identify gaps in the health system. It contains the six building blocks of health systems enumerated by the World Health Organization: 1) leadership and governance, 2) financing, 3) access to medicines and technology, 4) workforce, 5) health information system and 6) service delivery. Each block has specific targets to achieve improvements in the healthcare system.
Participants apply their learnings during the practicum period between training modules. At this point, coaches arrive to boost the efforts of local leaders as they assess and improve their complex health systems.
(To learn more about the Health Change Model, click here.)