ZFF-LGA partnership highlights capacity-building programs for LGUs
News | by ZFF Admin

The Zuellig Family Foundation (ZFF) signed a three-year partnership with the Local Government Academy (LGA), which aims to boost the capacity of local government units (LGUs) to deliver basic services, including health, following the full devolution of such services to the LGUs.
For the LGUs to take on additional functions, the local chief executives must gain new knowledge and skills to better strategize and invest in effective measures that will immediately improve health outcomes and bring about inclusive growth.
During the online signing event held last July 16, Executive Director Austere Panadero represented the ZFF, with Deputy Executive Director Dr. Anthony Faraon acting as a witness to the signing. Their counterparts were LGA Executive Director Thelma Vecina and Director Esmeralda Daphne Purnell.
The partnership will address Universal Health Care (UHC) implementation readiness, nutrition during the first 1,000 days of life (F1KD), adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH), pandemic response, and local health system resiliency.
A recording of the signing ceremony can be found on ZFF’s Facebook Page: https://bit.ly/3iFQArS.